Elementary Visual School Arts

(nextflipdebug5) #1

Drawing a Self-Portrait

Details and Background


Students will use chalk
on a light colored
construction paper to
draw a self-portrait. Trace
over chalk lines with thick
black marker.

Add identifying details to

Finish self-portrait using

1 Session

1 Session

1 Session

(students need to know)

(students need to be able
to do)

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Basic Facial Proportions

Portraiture - past vs.

Portraits can be found all
over the world, and have
been created throughout

Discuss artworks by
referring to lines, shapes,
patterns and textures.

How to compare and
contrast (in a positive,
non-judgmental way,
differences in hair color,
shapes of eyebrows, and
sizes and shapes of eyes
and ears.)

Draw from observation in
a mirror

  1. Remembering

  2. Understanding

  3. Applying

  4. Analyzing

  5. Creating

Essential Questions Corresponding Big Ideas
Why do all civilizations - past and
present – create portraits?

Why do artists have to study the lines,
shapes of a person’s face to create a

Explain the difference between a
portrait and a self-portrait.

Artists help show us who we are and
what we care about.

Artists look for similarities and
differences in people by comparing and
contrasting shapes.

Portraits have been created for
hundreds of years by are a “category”
of art such as landscapes.
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