Essential Questions Corresponding Big Ideas
How does an artist create a
landscape with a sense of space on a
flat plane?
How do we see color?
How can we use color playfully and
inventively in a landscape painting?
Art helps us discover and show
beauty in nature.
Almost all people respond to nature’s
Some artists like to be playful and
inventive when they make artworks.
Artists select and arrange related
lines, shapes and colors to make their
artwork interesting.
Standardized Assessment Correlations
(State, Province, College, and Career)
Unit Assessments
Pre-Assessment Informal Progress Monitoring
KWL Chart (What do you KNOW?
What Do You WANT to know? What
Did You LEARN?)
Reviewing prior knowledge of
creative process (idea, planning,
execution, embellishing and
critiquing) and overlapping technique
from previous lessons.
Where do artists get their inspiration?
How are the Primary Colors used to
create the Secondary Colors?
How are landscapes different from
Monitor individuals while working on
Observation during an activity at each
stage in the process
- painting
- adding patterns
- creating a sense of depth
Individual conferencing
Guided questions