The Visual Arts Department of the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County
Schools has historically been in the forefront of visual arts education. The
foundation of this program is built upon a Discipline Based Art Education
(DBAE) approach. This method embraces four components: art history,
art production, criticism, and aesthetics. The DBAE approach is
incorporated into every unit taught by visual arts teachers in this system
and provides a strong backdrop for building successful programming and
student learning.
This curriculum guide has been written to assist and inspire visual
arts teachers to use the North Carolina Essential Standards as the basis
for developing the visual arts programming within the individual classroom.
It has been formatted as a “living” document in order to aid the teacher in
developing a personal, useful binder while creating a comprehensive visual
arts program within the individual school setting.
Numerous teachers representing many years of master teaching and
experience have contributed to the development of this document. Their
commitment to providing the most effective and timely document possible
is gratefully acknowledged and deeply appreciated.
Lynn W. Foltz Matt Fussell
Arts Education Program Manager Visual Arts Lead Teacher