Standardized Assessment Correlations
(State, Province, College, and Career)
Unit Assessments
Pre-Assessment Informal Progress Monitoring Checks
Ask students to list different type in
lines, shapes, and colors. For lines and
shapes, have them draw them in the air
with their finger. For color, have them
hold up a marker and identify the color.
Demonstrate how to draw each type of
line and shape.
Demonstrate how to use lines to draw
Monitor students’ progress during each
activity. Reinforce concepts giving
feedback when needed.
Post Assessment
Teacher assesses art by determining if the students used different types of lines,
shapes, colors, and patterns to create their art. Teacher can also pair students
and lead peer assessment asking each student to compare each others lines
used in the shirt. Shapes and colors in the face and patterns added for
embellishment with their peer. A check list can be created that has examples of
lines, shapes, and colors taught during the lesson for students to evaluate there
own use of lines shapes and color.
Scoring Guides and Answer Keys
Teacher created rubric
Teacher documentation of students who did and did not understand concepts