Engaging Learning Experiences
Learning Activities Using Text or Program Authentic Performance Tasks
K Explorations in Art - Seeing Lines,
pg. 12
K Explorations in Art βThe Art Of
Cutting, pp. 16-17
K Explorations in Art β Seeing Faces,
pp. 30-31
Pre-assessment of types of lines,
shapes, and colors
Observation of cutting, gluing, and
drawing skills
Research-Based Effective Teaching
21 st Century Learning Skills
Check all that apply to the unit:
x Identifying Similarities and Differences
x Reinforcing Effort, Providing
x Nonlinguistic Representations
x Cooperative Learning
Check all that apply to the unit:
x Curiosity and Imagination
x Innovation and Creativity
x Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
x Flexibility and Adaptability
x Effective Oral /Written Communication
x Accessing and Analyzing Information