Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World

(Sean Pound) #1
1252 Index

festivals (continued)
Americas 470–472, 471f
Asia and the Pacifi c 466
drama and theater 329–
331, 335
Egypt 463–464
Europe 467–468
Greece 468–469
Middle East 464–465
religion and cosmology
840, 853
Rome 469–470, 469f
fetiales 861
economy 356
empires and dynasties 421
employment and labor 429
social organization 1037
feuds 1028
fi ber 121
fi bula (broach) 118
fi ction 646–647
fi ddles 767
fi eld labor 812
fi elds, raised 47
Fift h Dynasty (Egypt)
death and burial practices
economy 347
empires and dynasties 392
exploration 437
literature 643
seafaring and navigation
58 Holes, game of 1050f
fi lial piety 452
fi nancial services 366
fi nes
crime and punishment 302
economy 368
laws and legal codes 627,
fi ngers 798
Finno-Ugric languages 617
fi re
illumination 583, 587, 588,
590, 592
inventions 593, 594
natural disasters 778, 782
science 922, 923
fi re worship 901
First Dark Age 238
First Dynasty (Egypt)
cities 206
craft s 286
festivals 464
government organization
occupations 809
ships and shipbuilding 976
First Dynasty of Babylon 397
First Intermediate Period
cities 204
climate and geography 239
empires and dynasties 393

foreigners and barbarians
literature 645
social collapse and aban-
donment 1000
war and conquest 1128
First Jewish Revolt 486
First Punic War
economy 367
empires and dynasties 389,
390, 408
government organization
ships and shipbuilding
war and conquest 1151–
First Sacred War 826
First Triumvirate
empires and dynasties 415
scandals and corruption
916, 917
fi sh
food and diet 473, 476,
479, 481
hunting, fi shing, and gath-
ering 571, 573, 575
storage and preservation
1063–1065, 1068
fi shhooks 576
fi shing. See also hunting, fi sh-
ing, and gathering
economy 374
hunting, fi shing, and gath-
ering 574–575, 579, 580
occupations 813, 817
ships and shipbuilding 974
Five Hu 791
fl amen dialis 197
fl amens 858–859
Flavian Dynasty 415
fl ax
agriculture 21, 25
textiles and needlework
1075, 1077, 1080, 1082
fl eas 548
fl int
illumination 589
mining, quarrying, and
salt making 746
fl ood
agriculture 28, 29
climate and geography
234, 239, 240, 244–245,
natural disasters 778, 780
pandemics and epidem-
ics 824
religion and cosmology
settlement patterns 964
fl oodplain
agriculture 20–21
climate and geography 240
fl owers. See horticulture
fl uid 1174

fl ute 762–763, 767f, 768
children 193
literature 639
Folsom people 720
food and diet 472–482
Africa 472–474, 473f
Americas 481–482
Asia and the Pacifi c
Egypt 474–475
Europe 477–479, 478f
Greece 479–480, 480f
Middle East 475–476
Rome 480–481
food preparation 477
food preservation 594
foot (measurement) 1173,
1179, 1180
footpaths 884–886, 889
footraces 1054, 1057–1058
foot t ravel 1111, 1112 , 1115 –
1118, 1120
footwear. See clothing and
foraging 572, 573, 582
forced labor 351–353, 372–373
Fordicidia people 795
foreigners and barbarians
Africa 483–484
Americas 490–491
Asia and the Pacifi c
Egypt 484–485
Europe 487–488
Greece 488–489
Middle East 485–486, 486f
Rome 489–490
foreign trade. See trade and
climate and geography 255
sacred sites 903
Formative Period (Americas)
ceramics and pottery 186
craft s 295
writing 1192
fortifi cations
military 736
towns and villages 1089
war and conquest 1131
fortresses 726
fortress settlements
borders and frontiers 140–
14 2 , 14 4, 145, 147–149
building techniques and
materials 158
cities 208, 210
military 732
settlement patterns
borders and frontiers 148
migration and population
movements 696

military 727–728
roads and bridges 884
Forum (Rome)
cities 227
employment and labor 433
Forum Boarium 1105
architecture 79
cities 227–228
foundation rituals 840
foundling 187
fountains 228
Fourth Dynasty (Egypt)
art 96
cities 207
government organization
hunting, fi shing, and gath-
ering 574–575
migration and population
movements 694
trade and exchange 1097
foxtail millet 31
fractions 800
Franchthi Cave
economy 360
ships and shipbuilding 980
economy 364
slaves and slavery 993
social organization 1028,
slaves and slavery 992
social organization 1031
freedom of speech 878, 879
free market 341
freezing 1062, 1070
a r t 115 –116
building techniques and
materials 158, 161
art 98, 100, 111–112
war and conquest 1127f
fringes 1076–1077
frontiers. See borders and
agriculture 21, 30, 42
food and diet 474, 480
fudirs 990, 991
fuels 585, 587, 588
Fulani people 786
occupations 817
textiles and needlework
Funan Empire
building techniques and
materials 156
empires and dynasties 405
foreigners and barbarians
government organization

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