Fish as feed inputs for aquaculture: practices, sustainability and implications

(Romina) #1

348 Fish as feed inputs for aquaculture – Practices, sustainability and implications

of the anchoveta after El Niño events. However, the problem of the common property
persists and, therefore, fleet overcapacity is still seen in the sector.
Some investment measures have also been established for anchoveta utilization. For
example, the expansion of the fishing fleet is not allowed, and only the replacement
of vessels of the same hold capacity is authorized. Even so, in the year 2000 it was
already considered that fleet capacity was in excess given the available biomass. To
solve this problem, the National Society of Fishery proposed the creation of a Fund
for the Protection of the Biomass (FOPROBI), whose objective would be to reduce the
fleet capacity by around 30 percent (50 000 m^3 ) in terms of hold capacity. This would
be archived through the purchase and withdrawal of excess vessels. The cancellation
of fishing licenses and the retirement of the vessels would be compensated with
grants. This proposal outlined that a grant fund of up to US$200 million would be
made available over a period of 10 years, during which time private companies would
contribute to financing of the plan. However, this initiative remains unimplemented
due to disagreement over the type and age of the vessels to be retired and because the
fishing managers want the participation of the banking and state sectors in providing
funds. Although the fishing companies recognize that it is necessary to reduce the fleet
size, they apparently prefer to maintain the “status quo” for the time being.
Proposals for changing the resource management system, especially for anchoveta,
to a quota-based system have met with a similar response. Distribution of quota
would favour the most efficient companies, although in the initial distribution other
considerations could prevail (e.g. the social impact), because in the end, rights would
be negotiable.
In the last few years, following threats of a reduction in the anchoveta biomass and
the biomass of other species like Chilean jack mackerel, there has been a move towards
establishing an access system to fishery resources by means of individual quotas. The
utilization of non-transferable quotas for South Pacific hake served as a pilot test. A
total capture quota of 10 000 tonnes was established and distributed among the trawl
vessel owners. The quotas have validity for one year, and they were assigned in relation
to the historical capture of the applicant vessels.
The state authority is aware that a quota-based system requires much more careful
monitoring than has previously been the case. An inspection organization is needed
to control fish landings, and the crews of the entire fishing fleet need training; the
implementation of satellite-based vessel monitoring systems (VMSs) is also necessary.
The port authorities also have to be strengthened to ensure their capacity to determine
infringements and take necessary actions.
Another important aspect of the fishery legislation is the conservation of the
environment. The high concentration of fish processing factories in various ports along
the Peruvian coast has caused some damage, mainly due to unregulated emissions. For
this reason, if any new plant is to be installed, it is necessary to conduct an Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA). For those plants already operating, an Adaptation Program
for Environmental Management (PAMA) is required. Increased environmental
regulation has been a great step towards improvement of the conditions of the fishing
ports, as well as an increase in the efficiency of the productive units. Although the
legislation has resulted in the reduction of large quantities of toxic effluents, especially
organic loads, it has not regulated the release of vaporous emissions.

6.3 Institutional framework
6.3.1 Key institutions
Fisheries regulation is the responsibility of the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE),
which combines the former Ministries of Industry and Fisheries. The Vice-ministry
of Fisheries (VMP) formulates, executes and directs sector policies, and its objective
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