George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Ann) #1

liberal Republican in the Theodore Roosevelt-House of Morgan "Bull Moose" tradition
of 1912. LaRouche also noticed that a majority of the wealthy "blue-blood" families who
dominated New Hampshire political life were Bush backers. These were the families who
could-- and often did-- organize ballot-box fraud on a vast scale.

During late 1980, the LaRouche campaign began to call attention to Bush as a threat
against which other candidates, Republicans and Democrats, ought to unite. LaRouche
attacked Bush as the spokesman for "the folks who live on the hill," for petty oligarchs
and bluebloods who think that it is up to them to dictate political decisions to the average
citizen. These broadsides were the first to raise the issue of Bush's membership in David
Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission and in the New York Council on Foreign Relations.
Soon Bush's membership in the Trilateral Commission became for many voters a symbol
of Bush's plutocratic and arrogant claim on high public office as some kind of a
"birthright," quite independent of the judgment of the voters.

While on the hustings in New Hampshire, especially in the Connecticut River valley in
the western part of the state, LaRouche observed the high correlation between preppy,
liberal Republican blue-blood support for Bush and mental pathology. As LaRouche
wrote, "In the course of campaigning in New Hampshire during 1979 and 1980, I have
encountered minds, especially in western New Hampshire, who represent, in a decayed
sort of way, exactly the treasonous outlook our patriotic forefathers combatted more than
a century or more ago. Naturally, since I am an American Whig by family ancestry
stretching back into the early 19th century, born a New Hampshire Whig, and a Whig
Democrat by profession today, the blue-blooded kooks of certain "respected" Connecticut
River Valley families get my dander up."

LaRouche's principal charge was that George Bush was a "cult-ridden kook, and more
besides." He cited Bush's membership in "the secret society which largely controls
George Bush's personal destiny, the Russell Trust Association, otherwise known as 'Skull
and Bones.'" "Understanding the importance of the Russell Trust Association in Bush's
adult life will help the ordinary citizen to understand why one must place a question mark
on Bush's political candidacy today. Is George Bush a 'Manchurian candidate' ?"

After noting that the wealth of many of the Skull and Bones families was derived from
the British East India Company's trade in black slaves and in opium, LaRouche went on
to discuss "How Yale Turned 'Gay:'"

Today, visiting Yale, one sees male students walking hand in hand, lovers, blatantly, on the
streets. One does not permit one's boy children to visit certain of the residences on or around that
campus. There have been too many incidents to be overlooked. One is reminded of the naked
wrestling in the mud which initiates to the Yale Skull and Bones society practice. One thinks of
'Skull and Boneser' William F. Buckley's advocacy of the dangerous, mind-wrecking subnstance,
marijuana, and of Buckley's recent, publicly expressed sympathies for sodomy between male
public school teachers and students. [...]

As the anglophile committments [of the blueblood families] deepened and decayed, the families
reflected this in part by a growth of the incidence of "homosexuality" for which British public
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