George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Ann) #1
schools and universities are rightly notorious. Skull and Bones is a concentrated expression of that
moral and intellectual degeneration.

LaRouche pointed out that the symbol of Skull and Bones is the skull and crossbones of
the pirate Jolly Roger with "322" placed under the crossbones. The 322 is thought to refer
to 322 BC, the year of the death of the Athenian orator Demosthenes, whom LaRouche
identified as a traitor to Athens and an agent provocateur in the service of King Philip of
Macedonia. The Skull and Bones ceremony of induction and initiation is modelled on the
death and resurrection fetish of the cult of Osiris in ancient Egypt. LaRouche described
the so-called "Persian model" of oligarchical rule sought by Skull and Bones: "The
'oligarchical' or 'Persian' model was what might be called today a 'neo-Malthusian' sort of
'One World' scheme. Science and technological progress were to be essentially crushed
and most of the world turned back into labor-intensive, 'appropriate' technologies. By
driving civilization back towards barbarism in that way, the sponsors of the 'oligarchical
model' proposed to ensure the perpetuation of a kind of 'one world' rule by what we
would term today a 'feudal landlord' class. To aid in bringing about that 'ONE WORLD
ORDER,' the sponsors of the project utilized a variety of religious cults. Some of these
cults were designed for the most illiterate strata of the population, and, at the other
extreme, other cults were designed for the indoctrination and control of the ruling elite
themselves. The cult-organization under the Roman Empire is an excellent example of
what was intended."

LaRouche went on:

Skull and Bones is no mere fraternity, no special alumni association with added mumbo-jumbo. It
is a very serious, very dedicated cult-conspiracy against the US Constitution. Like the Cambridge
Apostles, the initiate to the Skull and Bones is a dedicated agent of British secret intelligence for
life. The fifteen Yale recruits added each year function as a powerful secret intelligence
association for life, penetrating into our nation's intelligence services as well as related high levels
of national policy-making.

Representatives of the cult who have functioned in that way include Averell Harriman, Henry
Luce, Henry Stimson, Justice Potter Stewart, McGeorge Bundy, Rev. William Sloane Coffin (who
recruited William F. Buckley), William Bundy, J. Richardson Dilworth, and George Bush...and
many more notables. The list of related Yalies in the history of the CIA accounts for many of the
CIA's failures and ultimate destruction by the Kennedy machine, including the reason Yalie James
Jesus Angleton failed to uncover H. "Kim" Philby's passing of CIA secrets to Moscow.

Now, the ordinary citizen should begin to realize how George Bush became a kook-cultist, and
also how so incompetent a figure as Bush was appointed for a while Director of Central
Intelligence for the CIA. [...]

On the record, the ordinary citizen who knew something of Bush's policies and sympathies would
class him as a "Peking sympathizer," hence a Communist symnpathizer." [...]

Focussing on Bush's links with the Maoist regime, LaRouche stressed the recent genocide
in Cambodia:

The genocide of three out of seven million Cambodians by the Peking puppet regime of Pol Pot
(1975-78) was done under the direction of battalions of Peking bureaucrats controlling every detail
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