-r Vater/-e Mutter ‘father/mother’
-r (Ehe)mann/-e (Ehe)frau ‘husband/wife’
Seine Eltern sind schon ziemlich alt.
His parents are quite old.
-s Kind ‘child’
-r Sohn/-e Tochter ‘son/daughter’
Unsre Söhne studieren schon.
Our sons are already at university/college.
Brothers and sisters:
-r Bruder/-e Schwester ‘brother/sister’
-e Geschwister (plural) ‘brothers and sisters/siblings’
Der jüngste Bruder war erst sechs, als die Eltern nach Köln
The youngest brother was only six when the parents moved to
Sie war die Älteste von drei Geschwistern.
She was the eldest of three brothers and sisters.
Grandparents and grandchildren:
die Großeltern ‘grandparents’
-r Großvater/-e Großmutter ‘grandfather/grandmother’
-r Enkel/-e Enkelin ‘grandson/granddaughter’
-e Enkel (plural) ‘grandchildren’
Viele Großeltern sehen ihre Enkel nur selten.
Many grandparents see their grandchildren only rarely.
-r Cousin (French pronunciation) ‘(male) cousin’
-e Cousine ‘(female) cousin’
Gestern kam die Cousine von meinem Vater zu uns zum Kaffee.
Yesterday my father’s (female) cousin had coffee with us.
(b) Once removed
For family relationships that are once removed by a generation, the prefix
Groß- ‘grand-’ is used: