89 Expressing assumptions, discussing possibility, probability
and conditions
See 35.8 (p. 80).
89.1 Simple assumptions can be introduced in a number of ways:
By using the modal verb müssen (35.6b)
Das muss wahr sein.
That must be true.
Er muss es gewusst haben.
He must have known it.
The following constructions can also be used:
Es könnte sein, dass er nichts über den Plan gewusst hat.
It could be that he didn’t know anything about the plan.
Ich nehme an, dass er davon weiss.
I assume that he knows about it.
Es ist/wäre möglich, dass er nichts von der Affäre gewusst hat.
It is conceivable that he knew nothing of the affair.
See 8.4 (p. 12) for the conjunction dass.
These introductory clauses can be avoided by using the future or future perfect (see
34.3–4). There is no particular difference in stylistic level; the degree of certainty
about the assumption made is introduced by inserting adverbs such as sicher ‘certainly’,
wohl ‘probably’, möglicherweise ‘possibly’ or vielleicht ‘perhaps’:
Er wird vielleicht nichts über den Plan gewusst haben.
He may perhaps not have known about the plan.
See 39.1b (p. 93).
Ihr werdet wohl davon wissen.
You will probably know about it.
See 34.3 (p. 71).
Du wirst möglicherweise nichts von der Affäre gewusst haben.
You will possibly not have known anything about the affair.
The modal verbs mögen, dürfte and müsste (the last two are in the subjunctive, see
39.3d) can also be used in these senses:
Das mag die Antwort sein.
That may be the answer.
Das dürfte die Antwort sein.
That may (very) well be the answer.
Das müsste die Antwort sein.
That must/would have to be the answer.