A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


was born after his father’s accession. I do not
pretend, that this reason was valid. I would
only infer from it, that he would never have
made use of such a pretext, were it not for the
qualities of the imagination above-mentioned,
by which we are naturally inclined to unite by a
new relation whatever objects we find already
united. Artaxerxes had an advantage above his
brother, as being the eldest son, and the first in
succession: But Cyrus was more closely related
to the royal authority, as being begot after his
father was invested with it.

Should it here be pretended, that the view of
convenience may be the source of all the right
of succession, and that men gladly take advan-
tage of any rule, by which they can fix the suc-
cessor of their late sovereign, and prevent that
anarchy and confusion, which attends all new

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