A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


elections? To this I would answer, that I readily
allow, that this motive may contribute some-
thing to the effect; but at the same time I as-
sert, that without another principle, it is impos-
sible such a motive should take place. The in-
terest of a nation requires, that the succession
to the crown should be fixed one way or other;
but it is the same thing to its interest in what
way it be fixed: So that if the relation of blood
had not an effect independent of public inter-
est, it would never have been regarded, with-
out a positive law; and it would have been im-
possible, that so many positive laws of differ-
ent nations coued ever have concured precisely
in the same views and intentions.

This leads us to consider the fifth source of
authority, viz. positive laws; when the legisla-
ture establishes a certain form of government

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