A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


said, I would ask, what is here meant by like-
lihood and probability? The likelihood and
probability of chances is a superior number of
equal chances; and consequently when we say
it is likely the event win fall on the side, which
is superior, rather than on the inferior, we do no
more than affirm, that where there is a superior
number of chances there is actually a superior,
and where there is an inferior there is an infe-
rior; which are identical propositions, and of no
consequence. The question is, by what means
a superior number of equal chances operates
upon the mind, and produces belief or assent;
since it appears, that it is neither by arguments
derived from demonstration, nor from proba-

In order to clear up this difficulty, we shall
suppose a person to take a dye, formed af-

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