(Chris Devlin) #1

7b. Ar dambaad baraarugi adaan, talana aabaynne

71. Irkig weeye aakhirasamaan, eegga soo baxaye

  1. Amakaagna wuu daba socdaa, waana aragtaane

7j. Ayaankeedu Soomaali waa, bad an idlaanaynne

74. Ilaah mahaddi weeyoo xornimo, waa ku aragnaaye

is. Anaaniyo dhexdeenna ah haddii, uurka laga gooyo
7~. Aflax baynu heli waa sidii, Eebbahay yidhiye

Astonishment and Wonder

  1. Lately, I have not toiled in the cause of poetry nor
    recited its words


2. But now, I shall lay open verses which are adorned with


3. Assemble the people for them; they are like a sea which

cannot be exhausted

  1. Interpret them well for those who do not know the Somali

,5. When the cover 1S removed from boxes that used to be

~. I will tell you about some matters which have come up
.7.' The world is now seized by astonishment and wonder

'8. As you see, wrongdoing and cruelty have produced this


,9. I will put forward arguments which will gain recognition

[for my poem] before the assembly
lb. Call those who are missing, and let us not forget anyone
Ii. Awaken [even] those who are asleep; to 1-{ould leave be them unfai out r

i2. The man who spreads [my verses] among receive the people a reward will

l~. A man who has no eyes, but who says, 'Look comes at into that sight! which

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