(Chris Devlin) #1

V. Conspectus of Themes

The themes which occur in the texts given in this chapter
are listed below. Each of them is given a serial number
followed by a brief description.

. 1. Praising God

.2. Thanksgiving to God
j. Seeking God's mercy and protection

  1. Describing the attributes of God

5. Describing God's work of creation

  1. Describing Godls dealings with the angels and
    ,7. Prais ing the Prophet

~. Asking the Prophet for his intercession

.9. Describing the characteristics and the deeds of
the Prophet

10. Praising a saint

11. Asking a saint for his intercession


  1. Describing the characteristics and the deeds of a


l~. Visiting the tomb of a saint

  1. Exhortation to worship one God

  2. Exhortation to pray
    1~. Exhortation to Remembrance (DHIKR)
    1.7. Exhortation to give alms
    1'8. Exhortation to fast

  3. Exhortation to perform night vigils and to go into
    spiritual retreat

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