Allah The Concept of God in Islam

(Ron) #1

"Thul-Jalali wal Ikram" means: the One Who has all Greatness. There is no distinction, nor
glory, nor prominence, except if Allah permits it; in all reality, it is His, from Him, and by
Him. Glory and Exaltation are His, the One Who is the source and fountainhead of all glory,
perfection, honour, dignity and greatness. There is neither greatness nor favour nor bliss nor
goodness except that it springs from His ocean.

Ma`ath ibn Jabal is quoted saying that the Messenger of Allah once passed by a man who was
repeating "O One with the Glory and Honours!" so he said to him, "Your plea will be
honoured; so, proceed and state it."

The Messenger of Allah has said, "Uphold Thul-Jalali wal Ikram," that is: "follow His path
and remain steadfast in doing so and repeat this Attribute of His in your supplications." If a
servant of Allah keeps repeating this Attribute, and its light will eventually shine in his
innermost, he will become highly regarded among the nations. Whoever realizes the
Greatness of Allah will become very humble before Him.

One of the signs of the good conduct of a servant of Allah is that he seeks nearness to Him by
attaching himself to Him, by becoming very humble, by expressing his humility before Allah.
He must realize that all Greatness and perfection belong to Him, and that He honours His
servants by granting them His favours.

  1. "Al-Muqsit"

Allah, Glory and Exaltation are due to Him, has said, Allah testifies that there is no god but
He, and (so do) the angels and those who have knowledge, maintaining His creation with
justice. (3:18)

Meanings of variations of this Attribute's root word is qist, equity or fairness, are as follows:
qasata means implemented justice; qasata means became inequitable or unfair; qasit is an
unfair or inequitable person, an oppressor; muqsit is one who is fair in his judgment or
decision, and qist means share, lot, or portion of something. Qasitoon is plural: they are those
who deviate from justice and about whom the Almighty says, "As to the deviators, they are
the fuel of hell" (Qura'n, 72:15).

Qist means the implementing of justice by taking what one unlawfully has acquired and
giving it back to its lawful owner. Iqsat means that one is given his own lawful share which
someone else has unlawfully taken [forcefully or otherwise]; it is also called insaf, carrying

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