Allah The Concept of God in Islam

(Ron) #1

out equity. Qasata means someone became inequitable, and aqsata means that he became fair
and just. Al-Muqsit is the Almighty Who is fair and equitable in all His decisions and decrees,
Who deals with everyone according to a system. Al-Muqsit comes to the rescue of the
oppressed and brings about justice. The perfection in His doing so is the fact that He adds to
pleasing the oppressed His own pleasing of the oppressors as well, which is the ultimate end
of equity, something which nobody can do other than Allah, Glory to Him, Who has said, "...
and if you judge, then judge between them with equity; surely Allah loves those who judge
equitably" (Qura'n, 5:42).

According to a Qudsi tradition, while the Prophet was sitting once, he smiled to the extent
that his molar teeth showed. One of his companions said to him, "May both my parents be
sacrificed for your sake, O Messenger of Allah! What has made you smile like that?!" He
answered, "Two men of my nation were brought before the judgment of the Lord of Dignity.
One of them said, Lord! I plead to You to effect justice on my behalf from this man.' Allah, the Honoured and the Great, said,Be fair to your brother and give him what is his.' The man
said, Lord! None of my good deeds is left to effect it thereby.' The Glorified and the Honoured One said to the first man,What are you going to do to your brother since he has
none of his good deeds left with him?' The man answered, Then, Lord, let him bear some of my own burdens.'" It was then that the eyes of the Messenger of Allah over-flooded with tears. "That, indeed," he continued, "is a momentous Day when men will need others to bear their own burdens." After a pause, the Messenger of Allah continued to say, "Allah, the Honoured and the Glorified One, said to the wronged one,Raise your eyes and cast a look at
the Gardens of Bliss.' The man said, Lord! I see whole cities made of silver and huge houses of gold bedecked with pearls; for which siddeeq or martyr are they?' The Almighty said, They are for the one who pays the price.' The man said, Lord! Who can have their price?' He said,You can.' For what, Lord?' he asked the Almighty.For forgiving your brother,' the
Lord said. The man said, Lord! I do forgive him.' The Almighty then said,Take your
brother by the hand and lead him the way to Paradise.'" Then the Messenger of Allah said,
"Fear Allah; fear Allah, and mend your relations, for Allah will implement justice on the Day
of Judgment among the believers."

  1. "Al-Jami`"

Allah has said, Lord! Surely You are the One Who gathers men on a Day about which there is
no doubt; surely Allah will not fail His promise. (3:9)

Al-Jamiis an Attribute of Allah derived from jami, its root word, which means: to gather,
assemble, horde, or combine. The Day of Gathering is the Day of Judgment. It is called so
because Allah will gather on it the early generations of His creation and the last ones, the
jinns and mankind, all the residents of the heavens and the earth, each and every servant of
Allah and his deeds, every oppressor and those whom he oppressed, and every prophet and
those to whom he was sent. He will also combine between the rewards of those who obeyed
Him and the penalty of those who disobeyed Him.

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