The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades

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The Politically incorrect Guide to Islam {and the Crusades)

and the Doab up to Kanaui" Later waves expa nded thes e holdi ngs to
the Ganges and beyond.
Beca use Mus lims cons ide red the Hind us paga ns who were n't eve n
ent itl ed to the "pr ote cti ons" of dhi mmi sta tus , the y tre ate d the n, wit h
particular brutality. Sita Ram Goal observes that the Muslim invaders of
India paid no respect to codes of warfare that had prevailed there for cen-

the mil ita ry mis sio n, And the y did all thi s asmuj ahi ds(ho ly
warri ors) and ghazi s(ka fir[unbel ieve r]-kill ers) in the serv ice
Islamic imperialism came with a different code—the Sunnah
[trad ition ] of the Prophe t, It requi red its warri ors to fall upon
the helpless civil population after a decisive victory had been won
on the battlefield. It required them to sack and burn down villages
and towns after the defenders had died fighting or had fled, The
cows, the Brahmins, and the Bhikshus invited their special
attent ion inmassmurders of non-combata nts. The temples and
mona steri es were their speci al targ ets in an orgy ofpillage and
arson, Those whom they did not kill, they capturedand sold as
sla ves. The magni tude of the boot y loot ed even from the
bodies of the dead, was a measur e of the succe ss ofAllah and
his Last Prophet."

What did the Muslims want?
Whatwasthe ultimat e goal of this seemin gly endless warfare? It is clear
from the comman ds of the Qur'an and the Proph et, who told his follo w
ers that Allah had commanded. him, "to fight against the people until
theyTh ey te st if y th at non e has th e ri ght to be wo rs hi pp ed but All ah
an d th at
Mu ha mma d is th e Me ss en ger of Al la h. "' No Is la mic se ct ha s ev er
renounced the proposition that Islamic law must reign supreme overthe
entire world, and that Muslims must, under certain circumstances, take
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