The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades

(lu) #1
Islam—Spreadby the Sword?You Bet.

up ar msto th isen d. Th ey st op pe d
wa gi ng la rge-sc al e jihads after1683 not
becausetheyhad refor med or reje cted the
doct rine sthatmotivatedthem, butbecause
the Islamic'worldhad growntooweakto
continue—a situationt h a t b e g a nt o
ch an ge i n r ec en t t imes with the
discovery of oil in the MiddleEast.
The Egyptian Qur'an commentator and
Muslim Brotherhood theoristSayyedQutb
(1906-1966) emphasizedthis clearly; It is not
the function of Islam to compromise with the
concepts of Jahiliyya

[the society of unbelievers] which arecur ren tin thewor ld or toco-exi st
inthe sam e lan d tog eth erwith a jahili system.... Islam cannot accept any
mixing withJahiliyyah, Either Islam will remain, or Jahiliyyah; no half-
halfsituation is possible. Command belongs to Allah, or otherwiseto
Jahil iyyah: Allah 's Shari 'ah [law] will prevai l, orelse people 'sdes ires :
"An dif the ydo not resp ond to you, then knowthatthey only follow
their ownlusts.And whoismore astraythan onewho follows hisown lusts,
without guidancefrom Allah?Verily!
Allah guides not the people who aredisobedient," [Qur'an 28:50] ...The
foremost duty of Islam isto deposeJahil iyyah from the leader ship
of man, with the intention of raising human beings to that high position
which Allah has chosen for him." (Emphasis added)

Likewise, Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi (1903-1979), founder of the Pakistani
political party Jamaat-e-Islami, declared that non-Muslims have 'absolutely
no right to seize the reins of power in any part of God's earth

A Book You're Not
Supposed to Read

jihadin the West: Muslim Conqu ests from
the 7th to the 21st Centuriesby Paul Fregosi;
New York: PrometheusBooks.]998,isa pop-
ular, highly readableaccountof the depre-
dationsofjihadin theWestern world anda
vividillustrationof the postureof war that
the Islamic world hasmaintained toward
Christendom and the post-ChristianWest
since its earliest days.
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