The Politics of Intervention

(sharon) #1

Magoon, Charles Edward, 148-57;

administration of, 191-94; an­

nexationists opposed by, 170;

annual report (1908) of, 193,

201; appointments of, 191-92,

211-12; Cuban criticism of, 149­

50; labor relations with, 203-4;

on legal reform, 198-99; patron­

age policies of, 212; on Perma­

nent Army of Cuba question,

227-39; political policies of,

213-14; and power to rule by

decree, 191, 194; as Provisional

Governor, 190; public health

appointments of, 211-12; on

reciprocity treaty, 202; on resto­

ration and withdrawal, 246-51,


Manufacturing, foreign invest­

ments, 25

Mapping of Cuba, 131-32

Marches, conducted by American

forces, 129-30, 184

Marietta, U.S. gunboat, 75, 77, 81,


Marine Corps in Cuba, 78, 91-92,

104, 136

Marti, Jose, 22, 46, 257

Maso, Gen. Bartolome, 48

Masso Parra, Juan, 178-79

Masso Parra conspiracy, 178-85,

205; as annexationist plot, 182;

leaders arrested, 181-82

Matazanas province, 21, 30-32, 45

Mendez Capote, Domingo, 42, 45,

48, 50-51, 76, 94, 95

Menocal, Mario Garcia, 70, 74, 95,

97, 185, 244, 255

Miguelistas, 50, 159, 162, 173, 176,

177, 179, 181, 184, 237, 244,


Military Government of Cuba, 29­

44; Americanization policy of,

34-35, 38-39, 43; and changes

in Cuban life, 38; economic re­

forms of, 31-33, 35; and recon­

struction of Cuba, 30-31; with­

drawal of, 43-44; and Wood's

reform program, 33, 36-43

Military Information Division, 192,

237, 244, 252-53; and reports

of threats of revolt, 172-73, 177,

180, 181, 183, 184

Miret, Jose Lara, 179, 181

Moderate party, 50-52, 94, 95, 99,

100, 133; annexation policy of,

108; attempt to reconstruct, 157­

61; blamed for intervention, 161;

counterinsurrection plans of,

100; dissolution of, 160; inter­

vention favored by, 100-101;

opposed enlargement of Rural

Guard, 229

Monroe Doctrine, 42, 64

Montalvo, Gen. Rafael, 51, 94-95

Monteagudo, Gen. Jose de Jesus,

45, 59, 60, 151, 159, 228, 230,

236, 238, 253

Montero, Jose Ruman, 255

Montoro, Rafael, 162, 255

Moore, J. Hampton, 174-75

Morgan, Edward V., 64, 95

Moros tribesmen, 7, 11

Monia Delgado, Martin, 45, 48,

178, 243

National Guard, 6

National Liberals, 50

Nationalists, 44-45, 46, 48, 49, 50

Naval intervention ordered by

Roosevelt, 91-92; impact of, on
government and rebel leadership,

74, 77.79, 81

Negro movement, 177-79, 180,

181, 183

Negroes, 22-24; slavery, 22, 24

New York Times, The, 90-91, 129

Newspapers, Cuban, 26; reaction

of, to American occupation, 135

North American Review, 9, 34

Nunez, Gen. Emilio, 45, 50

Occupation of Cuba, 102-12;

American policy on, 3-18, 263­

65; disarmament and, 102-12;

influence of, on American foreign

policy, 258-59; legality of, 147­

48, politics of, 144-68; U.S. in­

tentions concerning, 103

O'Farrill, Dr. Juan, 63, 94

Oflice-holding, 24; disinterested

attitude of elite toward, 26-27,

33, 43-44, 134-35
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