The Politics of Intervention

(sharon) #1

Roosevelt, Theodore—continued

Caribbean Policy, 191-94, 151­

52; and Cuban policy, 213-14,

238-39; friendship of, with

Leonard Wood, 2; instructions

of, to re-establish a new govern­

ment, 192, 194; intervention

policy of, 63-70, 89, 92-102,

144-46, 261-62; hope of, for

peace without intervention, 89,

92-102; and justification for

intervention, 111; ordered am­

munition and ships to Havana,

109, 111-12; personal diplomacy

of, 78-79; and publication of

correspondence leading to Peace

Mission, 108-9, 160; on recon­

struction of Cuban armed forces,

221; and relations with Estrada

Palma government, 98-99, 110­

11; on restoration and with­

drawal, 245-46, 250-52

Root, Elihu, 4, 6, 8, 11, 64-65, 67,

80, 102; appointed Gen. Wood

military governor (1899), 36-37;

correspondence of, with Taft, 92,

107; on Cuban people, assess­

ment of, 35-36; on Cuban politi­

cal system, 146-48; on Platt

Amendment, 40-43; and policy

of independence for Cuba, 36;

as Secretary of War, 6, 35-36,

40, 42; on yellow fever control,


Rural Guard, 37, 51, 61-62, 70,

71, 134, 151, 222-27; American

officer-advisers of, 191-92, 223­

27; creation of, 222; morale of,

225-26; police work of, 222,

223, 226, 228; posts of, 222,

225; proposal to enlarge, 227­

Ryan, Capt. James A., 151, 153,

181, 224, 232

San Miguel, Antonio, 72

Sanitation, Department of, 208,


Sanitation program, 35, 48

Santa Clara province, 21, 30, 44,


Santiago-Puerto Principe, 30, 33

Scott, Gen. Hugh L., 5-6, 31, 121,



Second Intervention; see Interven­

tion, Second

Sewerage systems, 38, 205, 206

Sierra Maestre, 21

Slavery, 22, 24

Sleeper, Jacob, 63, 68, 69, 71-72,

75-76, 80

Slocum, Maj. Herbert J., 151, 153­

55, 224, 226, 227, 230, 232, 252,


Sobrado, Manuel, 207, 253

Social structure, Cuban, 23-24;

revolutionary changes needed in,

24, 190, 262

Spaniards: antipathy of Cubans to,

23-24; and immigrants, 23, 49,

203; interest of, in annexation,

98, 171, 184; investments of, 25

Spanish-American War, 5-12

Spanish influences, 19, 21-22

Spanish law, 30-31, 198

Speck von Sternberg, Baron Her­

man, 247-48, 251

Stability, Cuban, 190-220, 249;

and American policy, 265-67;

effect of economic conditions on,

43; Provisional Government and,


Steamship lines, 19, 25

Steinhart, Frank M., 71-75, 76,

80, 94, 152-54, 180, 212, 252

Sterling, Manuel Marquez, 258

Strikes, labor, 178, 203

Sugar industry, 21, 24, 38, 104,

190, 201, 203; and arson in the

fields, 173-74; centrales of, 22;

and cycle of business, 25; ex­

pansion of, 25; foreign invest­

ments in, 25; locations of U.S.

garrisons and, 126-28; mechani­

zation of, 21-22; strikes in, 49;

and U.S. tariff policy, 19

Taft, Charles, 107, 169

Taft, William Howard, 12, 64, 67,

176; on American agitators, 169;

and attempt to negotiate com­

promise, 92-102, 197; on cause

of revolt, 107-8; as civil gover­

nor in the Philippines, 10-11;

on Cuban political system, 146;
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