The Politics of Intervention

(sharon) #1
Index 303

Portell Vila, Herminio, 110, 260

Postal and telegraph service, 207

Prison reform, 38

Provinces, 20

Provisional Government: American

foreign policy and, 190-91; and

Army of Cuban Pacification pro­

gram, 122-33, 138; executive

branch of, 151-54, 191-92;

Liberal party role in, 150-68;

limited goals of, 147-48, 204-5,

262, 264; Magoon appointed

governor, 148-57; provisions for

withdrawal, 190, 256-57; re­

straints upon, 194; Taft's hopes

for, 99-100, 102; Taft's procla­

mation establishing, 144, 190

—administrative policies of:

American-conservative orienta­

tion of, 190; and Cuban labor,

203-4; Cuban politicos and, 191,

214; to encourage political

parties, 214; Magoon's views on,

248-51; reinforcement of colonial

patterns, 212

—finances of: and fiscal policy,

194-95; and government expen­

ditures, 195-96, 202, 204; and

need of loans, 202-3

—officer-advisers of: appointments

of, 151-54, 191-93; favored re­

form policy, 204-5, 213; influ­

ence of Leonard Wood on, 262­

63; influence of, on political

policies, 133

—reforms of: and agricultural,

202; divergent viewpoints on,

212; initial commitment to, 190,

192-94; legal, 196-201; Ma-

goon's views on, 247-48; public

works, 205

Provisional Marine Brigade, 104

Public buildings, construction of,

38, 206

Public debt, 48

Public health programs, 37, 40,

136, 138-39, 156, 208-15; ap­

pointment of politicos, 212; na­

tionalization of, 208, 211-12;

politics and, 208-15

Public Instruction, Department of,

Public Works program, 48-49,

184-85, 194-95, 201-2, 205-7,

247, 248, 251

Puerto Rico, Army administration

of, 193

Quesade, Gonzalo de, 23, 45, 48,

79, 80-81, 94, 102, 144

Race war, 177, 183, 238

Racial tensions, 22, 24

Railroads, 19, 20, 25, 39, 91-92,

104, 205; U.S. control of, 127­


Rathbone, Estes C, 38

Rationalism, 26

Read, Capt. George W., 151, 153,


Rebel army, 92, 108; disbanding

of, 107; disposition of horses of,

106; number in, 94; Peace Mis­

sion and, 94; reaction of, to

compromise plans, 94

Recio, Tomas, 151, 230, 253, 255

Reciprocity treaty with U.S., 48,

175, 202

Reconcentration policy, 15; Philip­

pine Insurrection, 9—12

Reid, Whitlaw, 251

Republic of Cuba, 19-58

Restoration and withdrawal in

Cuba, 243-70; American-Cuban

relations, effect on, 245-54;

American supervision of Cuban

Government during, 248, 251;

plans to leave American troops

after, 247, 258

Revolt of 1906, 53

Revolutionary Committee, 150, 157

Rius Rivera, Gen. Juan, 45, 160

Roadbuilding program, 38, 125,

132-33, 202-3, 205, 226, 233,

263; need for, 206; plans and

costs, 206; use of Army Engi­

neers, 206

Robau, Gen. Jose Luis, 45, 159,


Robinson, Albert G., 93

Rodgers, James L., 138, 204

Rodriguez, Gen. Alejandro, 45, 76,

94, 224, 226-27, 237-38

Roosevelt, Theodore: appeal of, to

Estrada Palma, 98-99; and
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