Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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Chapter Fifteen


“In the absence of Evidence to the Contrary the Simplest Solution is usually correct”

  • Occams Razor

Though Darwinism has stood virtually unchallenged and has always been generally regarded as

fact in the Academic Community and the Biblical story of Genesis has managed to maintain its
tenacious, though now somewhat precarious grip on its own captive audience, as we have
abundantly shown there are numerous types of quite significant other evidences which greatly
question the validity of both theories even to the point of utterly disproving them.
Not only does this new evidence challenge these theories but it also bring into question a
number of other things that have been presented to us as ‘fact’, even challenging the very fabric
and foundations of our beings and who we thought we were.

A God of Science & Numbers
It should by now be abundantly clear that not all in our history, or indeed in our world, is what
it appears to be and certainly is not what is perpetually promoted to us as factual. Evidence proves
beyond any shadow of doubt that an ancient civilization even more advanced than ours did indeed
once exist on this frail little ball in space that is our home. All evidence indicates that they existed
around circa 11.500 BC and then destroyed themselves in a nuclear holocaust of catastrophic
proportions at around circa 2020 BC. The evidence tells us that the event took place in the Sinai
Peninsula and that aerial battles were also fought over the Libyan Desert scalding the surface into
the acres of strange yellow glass that still lies there today. Academics dispute the possibility of
this mainly due to the timeframe, flatly stating in no uncertain terms that at circa 2000 BC
mankind was still hunters and gatherers.
But the answer to that is yes, indeed they were, and yet evidence irrefutably proves such a
civilization did in fact exist. This in itself proves that man was not in fact responsible for the
civilization that we find so many traces of, which in turn indicates that it was built by someone

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