Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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other than man. The obvious conclusion is that it was built by exactly whom all the legends of old
from all cultures say it was built by. It was built by the ‘Gods’ of ancient legend.
Those same beings were responsible for the enigmatic structures, devastating wars we are told
of in great detail in Sumerian texts, and for the vitrified ruins and deserts that ensued. The gods
from ancient Sumer who were also well known in Egypt and Babylon, Greece, Rome and India;
The Giants of South American legends who were also mentioned in the biblical texts as ‘giants’
and named in the Hebrew Bible as the Elohim and the Nephilim. ‘Those who from Heaven to
Earth Came’ Those whom Sumerian texts call the Anunnaki. I have little doubt that the Adamu
worker race the Sumerian texts tell us was created in the E.DIN was indeed the very story of the
creation of the biblical Adam in Eden.
That the event was once common knowledge can be clearly seen in our modern medical
symbol. Does it not seem strangely coincidental to you that the modern medical symbol consists
of two intertwining serpents surmounted by a sphere and two wings. Here we see a perfect
representation of DNA, that has been in use for centuries – and since long before the discovery of
DNA. Yet it is quite obvious that the symbol does indeed represent the twisting nature of the
human genome and its creator Enki who was always signified by the symbol of the Serpent. I
believe the modern medical symbol is probably even a representation that signifies the actual
event, the very moment when man was created in the Anunnaki medical centre in the E.DIN that
has remained in a surprisingly consistent state and actually changed very little with the passage of
time. From the Mesopotamian tree of life with the Winged disc representing the home of the
creator of the tree - the planet Nibiru at the top (fig.164), to the Olmec tree of life (fig.165); to the
Greek, Caduceus and the Staff of Asclepius (fig.166); and then through to the modern medical
symbol (fig.167). All of these symbols, both ancient and modern, are a clear representation of
what we now know to be the spiraling double helix form of human DNA (fig.168) many years
and even centuries before it was discovered. The inclusion of a winged object at the crest is also
The Sumerian tales speak of how the great pyramid was constructed by the son of the great
lord Enki who had created man with the aid of his half-sister Ninmah.
Enki had six sons. One of these sons was the Sumerian god Ningishzidda, known in Egypt as
Thoth, the great Master of Science and numbers, in South America as Quetzalcoatl the Great
Benefactor and bestower of knowledge, and in Greek myths as Hermes the Master of Science and
Legends throughout all mythologies recall Thoth as one of the wisest and most benevolent
Gods of all. Thoth is said to have created countless wonders. It was Thoth who was always
consulted in the construction and astronomical lines of the temples, it was Thoth who added the
leaves of knowing to mans tree of life, it was Thoth who gave Ka-in his mark. Thoth inseminated
Isis with the seed of her murdered husband Osiris resulting in the birth of Horus, and it was Thoth
who designed and constructed the miracle that is the great pyramid. Several mathematical and
astronomical similarities between Egypt and the enigmatic structures at Stonehenge also strongly
suggest that Thoth may have had a hand in the construction of that site too.
Legends tell us of Thoth writing a secret book containing all the information and knowledge he
had learned from his father Enki and all the knowledge he had acquired himself when the
Anunnaki left Earth. Thoth is said to have then hidden it in a secret and secure underground
location and to have then inscribed information pertaining to the book and maybe more on a pillar
or possibly even two pillars.
These pillars or obelisks were known to the Greeks and the Phoenicians as the Pillars of
Hercules. The Egyptian historian Manetho mentions the existence of two such pillars and tells us
that Thoth inscribed the pillars with hieroglyphs containing all of the ancient wisdom. A golden
pillar inscribed with hieroglyphics was also described by Plato. Alexander the Great is reported to
have inspected large pillars of gold bearing unusual hieroglyph markings. Proclus mentioned that
Crantor visited ‘Sais’ in Egypt and had been shown a golden pillar inscribed with hieroglyphics.

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