International Finance and Accounting Handbook

(avery) #1
15 • 19

staff employed during thefinancial years—50 units.The Auditing Firm is compul-sory for listed companies andother entities that operate inparticular economic sectors.A recent decree specifies theregulation concerningappointments for the Boardof Statutory Auditors and forAudit firms in listed compa-nies. Particularly: –Auditingfirms are in charge of the in-dependent audit of financialstatements (and some addi-tional financial information);–Statutory


The following are required to

Elected or reelected by the

To certify that all reports and

Companies Act of 1966 and

be audited; public limited

shareholders for a six-year

financial statements conform

standards published by the

companies, some limited


to existing rules and regula-

Compagnie Nationale des

companies (size >), and

tions and give a fair and true

Commissaires aux Comptes

some nonprofit organizations


(CNCC). These standards are

(associations, football

in accordance with IFAC’s

leagues, political parties,

standards (IAPC).


Exhibit 15.2.


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