15 • 20
Required to Be Audited
Election of Auditor
Objective or Purpose of Audit
Sources of Auditing Standards
Europe (Continued)Germany
Public companies (including
Elected by shareholders at
To determine that financial
Commercial laws and juris-
cooperatives), and stock
annual meetings in case of
statements comply with the
diction are the primary basis,
corporations, insurance
statutory audit
company’s status under legal
but the Institute of
companies, banks, and gov-
regulations (German Law)
Wirtschaftsprüfers issues
ernment-directed enterprises,
and give a true and fair view.
professional standards and
audits provided by disclosure
law, special audits of rela-tions with affected compa-nies. Small companies areexempted.
Any company with limited
The Companies Act requires
To satisfy the requirements of
The Companies Act states
liability status. This includes
appointment of at least one
the Companies Act and to
that the audit should be car-
limited liability companies,
auditor by the shareholders.
determine if a company’s
ried out in accordance with
branches of foreign compa-
accounts are fairly presented.
generally accepted auditing
nies, cooperative units, and
standards. SBPA recommen-
dations and sections of theCompanies Act are the mainsources of the auditing stan-dards. These standards aremuch less detailed than U.S.standards and professionalsrely on judgment when ap-plying specific standards.
Asia and PacificAustralia
All public and “large” entities
Board of directors with share-
Corporation Law
Auditing standards (AUS) and
have to be audited. A
holders’ approval; client’s
that accounts show a true
guidelines (AUG) approved
Company is “large” if it has
management; or Auditor
and fair view and comply
by the ICAA and ASCPA.
two of the following three
General; and at the choice of
with the
attributes: consolidated
the body to be audited
Standards and the
gross revenue of $10 million;
Corporation Regulations;
consolidated gross assets
counts should be presented
of $5 million; 50 or more
fairly and be in accordance
with the trust deed.