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Split People in a Split World 335

The end product is a society in which the rotting flesh of a childish me
is covered over by the perfume of technology. Or, to quote the description
of Tallyrand, a Facilitator diplomat who navigated through the turmoil of
revolutionary France with head intact, the result is „shit in silk stockings.‟ A
Similarly, as Teacher theories lose intellectual integrity, they gain
Mercy vibrations. This leads to New Age thinking, in which concepts are
evaluated purely on the basis of their Mercy „clothing.‟ „Magicians‟ spout
nonsense and are accepted as experts. „Nothing philosophies‟ such as
Buddhism are packaged with flowers of a good self-image and marketed as
the latest fad.

Teacher ‘Multiples’ and ‘Schizos’

As humans, we find it difficult to live with Mercy chaos. This is
because our physical environment forces us to acknowledge Mercy
problems. First, we are vulnerable to physical pain. Our bodies can be hurt,
damaged and even destroyed. This is felt directly by Mercy strategy.
Second, we are affected by physical change. We live in a world of real
objects, and when they are altered, Mercy thought is affected. We feel a
sense of loss, for instance, when we visit our childhood neighborhood and
find that everything has been rebuilt. Third we are subject to physical
constraint. Our bodies are finite, and only capable of being in one place at
a time. When roads crumble or become unsafe for the body to travel, or
when walls or other barriers are erected that restrict the movement of the
body, then Mercy strategy becomes trapped within a limited set of
memories. Imagine being locked behind bars, for example, or caught in a
snowstorm and forced for days to stay within a small cabin. Eventually,
Mercy strategy which is based in the body goes „stir-crazy.‟
In contrast, most humans are reasonably capable of living in an
environment of Teacher semi-chaos. First, our physical bodies buffer us
from personal Teacher disorder. On the whole, they operate flawlessly for
decades on end. The inner world may fall apart, but the body continues to
function. Second, our natural world shields us from societal Teacher chaos.
Governments may fall and civilizations collapse, but day and night still
follow one another as reliably as ever. Our justice system may not know up
from down, but the law of gravity still holds. Finally, natural balance
mechanisms within our global ecosystem heal situations of Teacher
disorder. When chaos is inflicted by war, limited resources, or natural
disaster, then natural processes repair the wounds.

A This term is technically correct. As Mercy feelings fade, Exhorter

excitement takes over. Positive feelings diminish, and so pseudo-culture
turns to the negative yet ever increasing excitement provided by the dirt
and refuse of society.

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