84 A Programmer’s Guide to the Mind
Mercy person has a Mercy „room‟ just like any other cognitive style.
However, he is also conscious in the Mercy „room‟—that is what makes
him a Mercy person. Conscious thought, it appears, is a sort of extra
module of thought which is tacked on to a certain mental „room.‟ The
„room‟ to which the conscious module is attached determines a person‟s
cognitive style. In schizophrenia and in the „leap of faith,‟ the conscious
mental room is being allowed to operate some of the time, while at other
times, conscious control takes over and suppresses the operation of this
A The Contributor person is also capable of making the „leap of faith,‟ as
the Exhorter individual is able to live within a form of schizophrenia. Like
the Mercy person, the Exhorter can control Mercy thought; the Contributor,
like the Perceiver, has access to Perceiver beliefs. However, because the
Exhorter and Contributor persons exercise this control from a room „next
door,‟ they can live with these mental conflicts and survive as „almost
normal‟ humans.