Let us review where we have come thus far in our journey through the
mind. First, we scanned the seascape of Mercy strategy. We saw how
thundering storms of experience could generate deep rolling waves of
emotion. Making our way across these changing contours, we peered into
the roiling emotional whirlpools of multiple personalities and
We then made our way through the terrain of Perceiver thought. Here
we found a landscape covered with the pebbles of information and shaped
by the mountain peaks of truth and confidence. Strangely enough, despite
surface differences between these two areas, we kept noticing similarities
of underlying shape. Even the emotional abysses which we uncovered in
Mercy thought had their analogs in the deep chasms and uncrossable gulfs
of Perceiver cynicism and „the leap of faith.‟
We will now turn our attention to the interaction between these two
mental contours. Just as water and land together sustain plant and animal
life, so I suggest that tying together Mercy and Perceiver strategies will
generate an entire ecosystem of trees, flowers, grasses, and animals that
feed upon them. What type of system? Well, we know that Mercy strategy
remembers experiences and emotions and that Perceiver thought works
with facts and confidence. Think of the many different ways in which facts
and feelings can and do interact. Sparks of life from this mental interplay
are sufficient to generate a rich bio-diversity of inter-dependent personality
traits. So, let us shift our attention from the imagery of poetry to the
language of logic and see what we can discover.
There is a one way connection: Mercy Perceiver.
Perceiver mode sees Mercy experiences.
Mercy strategy does not see Perceiver facts.
Perceiver facts alter the connections between Mercy experiences.
Mercy mode notices that different experiences come to mind.
I suggest first that the diagram of mental symmetry provides a major
clue about interaction between Mercy and Perceiver thought. If you
examine this diagram, you will notice that there is an arrow from „Mercy‟
up to „Perceiver.‟ This arrow indicates a unidirectional flow of information
from Mercy mode to Perceiver mode. You could think of this connection
as a sort of one-way mirror connecting these two rooms in the mental
house: Perceiver thought is aware of Mercy experiences—in this direction
the glass is transparent, while Mercy strategy cannot see Perceiver facts—