14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

128 14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

Guide Bible Study

  1. In advance, enlist a member who enjoys doing research to prepare
    a two-to-three-minute report on biblical stewardship as it relates
    to Deuteronomy 8:10–18. Ask the researcher to present a report
    that includes a definition of stewardship and explains why disciples
    should develop a habit of regular stewardship. Refer the member
    to the Study Guide, Bible dictionaries, and commentaries for assis-
    tance. Many of these resources are available on the Internet at no

  2. Enlist five people to stand and read Matthew 25:14–30, The Parable
    of the Talents, in this order: Reader 1 (v. 14–15), Reader 2 (v. 16–18),
    Reader 3 (v. 19–23), Reader 4 (v. 24–26), and Reader 5 (v. 27–30).
    Before the readings, give the biblical definition of a talent. See
    the sidebar “A Biblical Talent” in the Study Guide for information.
    An alternative way of presenting this parable is for four people
    who enjoy drama to act out the parts of the three servants and the
    master as someone tells the story in everyday language.

  3. Guide class members to discuss their understanding of the mean-
    ing of the Parable of the Talents. Following the discussion say, The
    Parable of the Talents, coupled with Moses’ warnings in his farewell
    speech (Deut. 8:10–18), reveal important biblical foundations for the
    proper attitude towards material wealth. The Scripture reveals four
    theological truths (jot these on a piece of poster board for display):
    (1) Everything belongs to God; (2) God entrusts us with a certain
    amount of his resources; (3) We are responsible to use and develop
    the resources God gives us; and (4) God will hold us accountable for
    the wasteful management of his resources. These biblical concepts
    call us to take stock of the way we spend money, care for the environ-
    ment, and use our time and natural talents.

Encourage Application

  1. Distribute an index card to each class member. Be prepared to pro-
    vide pens/pencils, if needed. Ask each member to make a list of the
    ways God has blessed them. Next, ask them to f lip the card over
    and to make a list of the ways they could bless God and others.

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