14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

Lesson 11: Stewardship 129

Allow volunteers to share some of their responses with the rest of
the class.

  1. Say, We should carefully analyze how we are investing God’s
    resources. We should make an effort to leverage everything we have
    to bring God glory and further his plan for our world. In the end,
    God will reward us for our faithful stewardship of his resources.
    Close in prayer.

Teaching Plan—Lecture and Questions

Connect with Life

  1. Begin by sharing the following content from the lesson introduc-
    tion in the Study Guide: Studies by a generation of behavioral
    scientists show that material goods usually don’t deliver lasting
    happiness. But there is one way that money can buy happiness—
    when you spend money with and for others. Researchers call this
    phenomenon a “buying experience.” Elizabeth Dunn and Michael
    Norton, a pair of researchers who authored the book Happy Money,
    reported on the following experiment:
    We handed out Starbucks gift cards on a university campus
    ... [and] told some people to head to Starbucks and buy
    something for themselves. We told others to pass their gift
    card along to someone else. And we told a third group of
    people to use the gift card to buy something for someone
    else—with the additional requirement that they actually
    hang out with that person at Starbucks.
    Dunn and Norton concluded, “Who was happiest?
    Answer: Those who treated someone else and shared in
    the experience with them.” These results should not be
    shocking to followers of Jesus. This is because God gives
    us everything we have so that we can share it with others.
    Say, Today we will examine the spiritual discipline of stewardship.
    Highly effective disciples of Jesus are faithful stewards of all God has
    entrusted to them.

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