14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

Lesson 13: Witnessing 151

  1. Distribute copies of the checklist below to the class. Ask members
    to place a checkmark beside each statement that is true for them.
    Explain that they will not be required to share their responses
    with anyone else. (A copy of this checklist is available in “Teaching
    Resource Items” for this study at http://www.baptistwaypress.org))
    I regularly share the gospel verbally.
    I don’t know how to share the gospel.
    I know the basics of the gospel message, but I am not
    sure I believe it all myself. For example, did Jesus really
    rise from the dead?
    I have been reminded today that as a disciple, I should
    declare the gospel, and I am committing myself to
    doing so this week.
    ____ I have never accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

  2. Before closing in prayer, tell members of your availability to dis-
    cuss any of the responses privately—today or at any time they have
    questions about receiving the gospel or sharing the gospel. Close
    in prayer.

Teaching Plan—Lecture and Questions

Connect with Life

  1. Read this case study: Marilyn was going to an important job inter-
    view. She found her way to the large corporate headquarters, but
    she became lost when searching for a particular office. She asked
    herself, “What do I do now?” In order for her to find her way, what
    does she need?
    Listen for responses and then say, When people are lost without
    Jesus, they need witnesses to point them in the right direction. They
    need people who can communicate the way to Jesus clearly.

  2. Continue the case study by saying: What if Marilyn asked a long-
    time employee, Chris, the way to the office for the interview? Imagine

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