14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

152 14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

that Chris knew how to get there himself, but didn’t know how to
explain to Marilyn how to get there. As a Christian, have you ever
been in the Chris’s predicament—knowing Christ yourself, but not
feeling adequate to explain the path of salvation to others? Today’s
study gives us clear directions about the gospel that we can share
with others.

Guide Bible Study

  1. Using commentary from “Faith vs. the Law” in the Study Guide,
    talk with the class about the law given to Moses as a way to exercise

  2. Ask someone to read Romans 10:8–11 aloud. Ask, What did Paul
    say about faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ? How does one obtain
    it? Can one’s faith be kept personal, or are we required to confess it
    orally? Is faith in Christ something that one can rely upon? Why or
    why not?

  3. Ask members to read Deuteronomy 30:11–20. Explain that the
    “word” spoken in Deuteronomy 30 was fulfilled in Jesus, the word
    of faith.

  4. Ask someone to read Romans 10:12–13 aloud. Ask, To whom is
    the gospel available? In modern times, instead of saying “Jew and
    Gentile,” what phrases might we use to remind us that the gospel
    is available to all? Possible answers include the rich and the poor,
    Americans and non-Americans, young and old, educated and illit-
    erate, etc.

  5. Ask members to consider silently the following question, When
    was the last time you witnessed to someone about the gospel of Jesus
    Christ? When was the last time you sent someone to be a witness?
    Does God expect us to do both—go and send? Ask someone to read
    aloud Romans 10:14–15.
    Based on these verses, ask members to name what they consider
    the essential information to be communicated when they share the
    gospel with others. Write their responses on the board.

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