14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

Lesson 13: Witnessing 153

  1. Invite the class to join you as you read aloud 1 Corinthians 15:1–8.
    Ask, What essential information is contained in these verses about
    the gospel? Be sure to include Christ’s death, burial, resurrection,
    and subsequent appearances. Also note the verification that wit-
    nesses gave of these events.

Encourage Application

  1. Note that today’s Bible study can make us feel uncomfortable in a
    culture that discourages our verbal communication of the gospel.
    While it is acceptable to talk about other personal issues, some
    would say we should not discuss “religion.” Ask, Why is this so?
    How should we respond?

  2. Repeat a section from the earlier case study: The fact remains that
    when people are lost without Jesus, they need witnesses to point them
    in the right direction. They need people who can communicate the
    way to Jesus clearly. Will you be one of those people who point them
    to The Way this week? Close in prayer asking God for his guidance
    and courage in recognizing opportunities to share a verbal witness
    with others in the coming week.

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