14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

160 14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples


Teaching Plan—Varied Learning Activities

Connect with Life

  1. Before the class meeting, enlist a member who is well-respected for
    his or her walk with God to be interviewed. Inform him/her ahead
    of time of the questions you will ask:

    • Since we are going to begin our Bible study with a glimpse of
      how Isaiah worshipped God, please fill in the blank for us: In
      the year ____, I saw God in a wonderful way.

    • Where were you?

    • What was it like for you to find yourself in God’s presence?
      How did it feel?

    • Did the nearness of God help you see yourself more clearly
      than normal? If so, how?

    • Did you feel that he wanted you to do anything?

    • Did the experience change your life in any way?

  2. Begin the class session with the interview. After the interview say,
    Today we will consider how disciples of Jesus can respond to God’s
    revelation with a lifestyle of worship.

Guide Bible Study

  1. Remind the class that not everyone has had the same experience
    with God as this class member, though many of us can recall espe-
    cially meaningful times when we have encountered God in worship.
    Two listening teams will examine significant worship experiences
    of two other individuals: Isaiah and John. Te a m 1 will examine
    Isaiah 6:1–8, and Te a m 2 will examine Revelation 4:1–11. (A copy of
    these team assignments is available in “Teaching Resource Items”
    for this study at http://www.baptistwaypress.org))
    Each team will meet separately and discuss these questions:

    • Describe what he (Isaiah or John) saw.

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