14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

Lesson 14: Worship 161

  • Describe what he heard.

  • How did the prophet react to what he saw and heard?

  • Are there any words (such as “seraphs” in Isaiah, or eye-
    covered creatures in Revelation) that are confusing? If
    so, search the commentary in the Study Guide, or ask the
    teacher to search the Teaching Guide for help with these
    difficult concepts.

  • What would you have done had you experienced what this
    prophet experienced?
    When the teams report to the entire class, ask them to:

  • Have one person read the focal Scriptures while everyone
    else follows along.

  • Have one or more other persons report on the group’s
    answers to the questions.

  1. As each team reports, add comments from your own study, as
    needed, to guide the class. Include:

  • In reference to the Isaiah passage, the contrast between an
    earthly king (Uzziah) and an everlasting king who would
    guide Israel perfectly.

  • In Isaiah 6:3–5, contrast the holiness of God with the sin of
    the prophet and the people.

  • Describe how Isaiah received God’s grace (verses 6–7).

  • Mention God’s invitation and Isaiah’s response

  • In Revelation 4:1–11, emphasize how God alone is worthy of

  • Ask the members to name what this passage has in common
    with the Isaiah passage.

Encourage Application

  1. Ask class members to identify one important concept about wor-
    ship that they learned while studying these passages.

  2. Give each member a pen and a “Review and Ref lection” handout with
    these instructions (A copy of this handout is available in “Teaching
    Resource Items” for this study at http://www.baptistwaypress.org)::)

    • How do you define “habit”?

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