164 14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples
examples to the list. (Responses might include recognition of who
God is, humility, and adoration.)
- Ask, What do the two experiences of Isaiah and John have in
common? List responses on the board.
Encourage Application
- Read this case study: Remember Brady from our opening illus-
tration—the guy who was dazzled when he first saw a live stage
performance? After seeing the bright lights and hearing the great
music, he had to step back into everyday life. Similarly, one would
assume that even Isaiah and John did not have such visions every
day of their lives—and few persons even have one experience like
Ask, Is it possible to integrate authentic worship into our daily
lives? If worship is a habit of highly effective disciples, what can we
do to experience it, based on these biblical texts? - End class by reading aloud (or inviting the class to sing aloud) the
hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy.”
- See further the valuable study by Richard A. Burridge, Four Gospels, One Jesus? A
Symbolic Reading 2nd ed. (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005).