14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

Lesson 14: Worship 163

Guide Bible Study

  1. Using commentary from the Teaching Guide and the Study Guide,
    provide background information on the setting of Isaiah 6, includ-
    ing the life and death of King Uzziah.

  2. Ask someone to read verses 1–4. Ask members the following

  • How are seraphs described? (This is the only mention of
    them in the Bible.)

  • Why is it significant that they covered their eyes?

  • In the vision of Isaiah, why is the word “holy” repeated?

  1. Ask someone to read verses 5–7.

  • Note that seeing God’s holiness enabled Isaiah to recognize
    the truth about his own sinfulness and the sinfulness of his

  • Ask, Whose sinfulness did Isaiah confess, and in what order?

  • How did God cleanse Isaiah of his sin?

  1. Ask someone to read verse 8, and highlight the invitation of God
    and Isaiah’s response. Ask, After meeting with God in worship, what
    has he invited you to do? How did you respond?

  2. On the board, write Authentic worship will often include... Record
    responses on the board. (They will probably include such ideas as
    focus on God, praise, confession of sin, and willingness to serve

  3. Ask someone to read Revelation 4:1–7. Using commentary from the
    Teaching Guide and Study Guide, explain the following:

  • The source of the voice John heard

  • What the twenty-four elders may represent, in numbers and
    other symbols

  • The four living creatures. Ask members to review what these
    angelic beings are like, and how God has authority over

  1. Read aloud verses 8–11. Refer to the list previously made regarding
    authentic worship. Invite members to review these verses and add

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