14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

52 14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

a regular basis? Write responses on a marker board or poster. Say,
Today we are going to focus our attention on the spiritual discipline
of fasting. This habit of highly effective disciples is often overlooked
when making significant life decisions.

  1. Call attention to the sidebar in the Study Guide on fasting. Ask
    a member to define fasting. If not included in the definition, ask
    another member to explain the purpose of fasting. Invite members
    to look at the list in the Study Guide of the different types of fasting
    in the Bible. Say, In the Scripture passages we will be studying today,
    we have the opportunity to look at three types of fasting and make
    application to our personal lives and to the corporate body of Christ.

Guide Bible Study

  1. Create two posters. On one poster write Corporate Fasting and on
    the second poster write Personal Fasting. Place the posters in two
    different locations at the front of the room. (A copy of these assign-
    ments is available in “Teaching Resource Items” for this study at

  2. Call attention to the Corporate Fasting poster. Divide the class
    into two discovery groups. Give each group one of the following
    assignments. (A copy of these assignments is available in “Teaching
    Resource Items” for this study at http://www.baptistwaypress.org))

    • Group One: Read 2 Chronicles 20:1–4, 13–15. Discuss how
      God used the practice of fasting in the life of the nation
      Judah to guide them during a time of national threat. Be
      prepared to share with the other group what you discover.

    • G r o u p Tw o : Read Acts 13:1–3. Discuss how God used the
      practice of fasting in the life of the church at Antioch to
      reveal his plan for missionary action. Be prepared to share
      with the other group what you discover.
      After the groups have had time to complete their assignments, call
      for reports and compile a list of truths on corporate fasting that can
      be applied to the church today.

  3. Call attention to the Personal Fasting poster. Ask, Why is it difficult
    for believers today to practice fasting? Read Jesus’ words on fasting

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