14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

Lesson 4: Fasting 53

in Matthew 6:16–18. Note that Jesus begins with “When” and not
“If ” you fast. Ask, What does this say about Jesus’ expectations?
After several have responded, ask, What were the instructions of
Jesus about the practice of fasting? Compile a list of truths on per-
sonal fasting that can be applied to believers today.

Encourage Application

  1. Ask, Has anyone in our group ever fasted? If so, how did God use it
    in your life to accomplish his purposes? Hopefully several members
    will respond. Affirm their experiences and encourage the practice
    of fasting at appropriate times on their spiritual journey.

  2. Ask, If you have never practiced the discipline of fasting, what are
    your concerns? Encourage honest and open responses. Ask, After
    discovering today’s truths from God’s word about fasting, how do
    you think God might be able to use it in your life?

  3. Close the session by reviewing the sections from the sidebars
    “Guidelines for Fasting” and “Suggestions for Fasting” in the Study
    Guide. Without comment after each point, invite a member to begin
    by reading point #1 under “Guidelines for Fasting.” Go around the
    group until all points have been read in each section. Challenge
    members by paraphrasing the “Implications and Actions” section
    in the Study Guide. Close with prayer.

Teaching Plan—Lecture and Questions

Connect with Life

  1. Ask the class to respond with “I agree” or “I disagree” with the fol-
    lowing statement: Fasting is both biblical and practical and should
    be practiced by disciples today. Probe member’s responses to deter-
    mine the reasons behind their replies. Say, Today we are going to
    discover God’s intent for the practice of fasting as a habit for highly
    effective disciples.

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