14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

54 14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

Guide Bible Study

  1. Explain how today’s study is organized. The first biblical text is
    from the Old Testament and illustrates fasting as a nation to dis-
    cover God’s plan for protecting Judah. The second text is from the
    Sermon on the Mount where Jesus explained how personal fasting
    works in the life of a believer. The third passage tells how fasting
    was used by the early church in Antioch to discover God’s plan for
    carrying the gospel to the nations.

  2. Brief ly share the background of Jehoshaphat’s successful reign as
    king of Judah. Tell the class about his greatest challenge toward the
    end of his reign as he faced a surprise invasion from a powerful
    coalition of forces. Read 2 Chronicles 20:1–4. Discuss Jehoshaphat’s
    reaction and his plan for leading his people to seek the Lord’s guid-
    ance through prayer and fasting.

  3. Read 2 Chronicles 20:13–15. Notice God’s response to Judah’s fast-
    ing. God spoke through Jahaziel to assure the king and his people
    that the battle was not theirs to fight, but God’s. Say, God responded
    because the nation of Judah was faithful in practicing fasting to seek
    his plan.

  4. Place the next Scripture in context by explaining the occasion
    in Jesus’ early ministry for the Sermon on the Mount, as found
    in Matthew 5–7. Explain that three acts of personal worship are
    addressed in Matthew 6: almsgiving, prayer, and fasting. Read
    Matthew 6:16–18. Invite members to identify and discuss Jesus’
    instructions about how to fast.

  5. Read Acts 13:1–3 and identify this as a turning point in the spread
    of the church around the world. Explain that the church at Antioch
    became an international missions sending agency. Note that the
    call came to Barnabas and Silas while they were worshipping and
    fasting, and the church set them apart for service after praying and
    fasting. Highlight the role fasting played in believers responding to
    God’s will.

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