consult with the public to determine the proportion of accessible taxis required in
the community.^37
D. Design of Public Spaces Standards/ Accessibility Standards for
the Built Environment
Sections 80.1 to 80.44 set out detailed technical requirements for ensuring that
public spaces, such as recreation trails, outdoor public eating areas, outdoor play
areas, parking, service counters, and waiting areas are accessible for people
with disabilities. Most of these requirements apply to public spaces that are
newly constructed or redeveloped, beginning on the following dates: January 1,
2015 for the Ontario Government and Legislature; January 1, 2016 for public
sector organizations; January 1, 2017 for large private sector organizations;
January 1, 2018 for small private sector organizations. Construction contracts
that were entered into on or before December 31, 2012 are not required to meet
the Standard.
V. Enforcement of AODA and Accessibility Standards
Section 13 of the AODA requires organizations and people to whom Accessibility
Standards apply to comply with the requirements of the Standards within the
timeframe set out therein. The Act sets out various enforcement mechanisms
and powers, including inspections, administrative procedures and monetary
penalties, which will be described in more detail below. However, to date, the
approach of the Government has been to promote and emphasize voluntary
compliance by organizations and assist organizations to fulfill their reporting
obligations under the AODA. To this end, through its own website and
AccessON, the Ministry provides significant information to the public and private
sector organizations regarding the requirements they must meet under the AODA
(^37) Ibid at s 79, 80.