Advanced Methods of Structural Analysis

(Jacob Rumans) #1
318 9 Mixed Method

r 210

kN m


Equilibrium condition of induced constraint 2 from bendingmoment diagramM 2
leads to coefficient of the displacement method

r 22 D 1 EIC0:5EID1:5EI.kN m/rad/:

Theorem of reciprocal displacements and reactions leads toı^012 Dr 210 D^12 m=rad:
The unit ofı^0 ikis defined by following rule: the unit ofdisplacement,which
corresponds to the indexi, should be divided by unit of factor, which corresponds
to the indexk. In our case we get
ı 210
For calculation of free terms of canonical equations we need to construct the
bending moment diagram in the primary system due to distributed load q; this
diagram is presented in Fig.9.2e. Specific ordinates ofMP^0 diagram are follows:
M 2  3 DM 3  2 Dql^2 =12D.6 82 /=12D 32 kN m;MCDql^2 =24D 16 kN m:
From this diagram we getR2PD32 .kN m/and1PD 0.
Canonical equations of the mixed method becomes:


X 1 C12Z 2 D0;

12X 1 C1:5EIZ 2  32 D0:

Roots of these equations areX 1 D0:266kN;Z 2 D19:2=EI.rad/

9.2.3 Computation of Internal Forces..............................

Resulting bending moments acting at different cross sections of the frame are cal-
culated by formula
MPDM 1 X 1 CM 2 Z 2 CMP^0 : (9.3)
Corresponding calculation for specified points is presented in Table9.1. Resulting
bending moment diagram is presented in Fig.9.2f.
Verification.The static and kinematical verifications may be considered. They are:

1.Free body diagram for joint 2 is presented in Fig.9.2f. Direction of the moments
is shown according to location of the extended fibers, which are shown by dotted
lines. Equilibrium equation

M 2 D3:2C9:612:8D 0 is satisfied.
2.Displacement in the direction of eliminated constraintAin the original sys-
tem must be zero. This displacement may be computed by multiplication of two
bending moment diagrams: one of them is the resultant bending moment diagram
MPfor the entire given structure and second is bending moment diagram caused
by theX 1 D 1 inany primary system of the force method. One version of the

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