Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

General model
Several exposures
Effect modifiers

logit PðÞ¼X aþb 1 E 1 þb 2 E 2 þ...


p 1

i¼ 1


þE 1 ~

p 2

j¼ 1

d 1 jWi

þE 2 ~

p 2

j¼ 1

d 2 jWjþ...


p 2

j¼ 1


Note that this expression tells us that once
we have fitted the model to the data to obtain
estimates of thebanddcoefficients, we must
specify values for the effect modifiers AGE and
SEX before we can get a numerical value for
the odds ratio. In other words, the odds ratio
will give a different numerical value depending
on which values we specify for the effect modi-
fiers AGE and SEX.

For instance, if we choose AGE equals 35 and
SEX equals 1 say, for females, then the esti-
mated odds ratio becomes the expression
shown here.

This odds ratio expression can alternatively
be written as e to the quantity minusb^ 1 plus
15 times^b 2 plus 40 timesb^ 3 minus 35 times
^d 11 plus 525 times ^d 21 plus 1,400 times ^d 31
minus^d 12 plus 15 times^d 22 plus 40 times^d 32.
This expression will give us a single numerical
value for 35-year-old females once the model is
fitted and estimated coefficients are obtained.

We have just worked through a specific exam-
ple of the odds ratio formula for a model involv-
ing several exposure variables and controlling
for both confounders and effect modifiers. To
obtain a general odds ratio formula for this
situation, we first need to write the model in
general form.

This expression is given by the logit of P(X)
equalsaplusb 1 timesE 1 plusb 2 timesE 2 , and
so on up tobqtimesEqplus the usual set ofV
terms of the formgiViplus the sum of addi-
tional terms, each having the form of an expo-
sure variable times the sum ofdtimesWterms.
The first of these interaction expressions is
given by E 1 times the sum of d 1 jtimes Wj,
whereE 1 is the first exposure variable,d 1 jis
an unknown coefficient, andWjis thejth effect
modifying variable. The last of these terms is
Eqtimes the sum ofdqjtimesWj, whereEqis
the last exposure variable,dqjis an unknown
coefficient, andWjis thejth effect modifying

EXAMPLE (continued)
Note. Specify AGE and SEX to get a
numerical value.
e.g., AGE¼35, SEX¼1:

ROR = exp[–b 1 + 15b 2 + 40b 3

+ 35(–d 11 + 15d 21 + 40d 31 )

+ 1(–d 12 + 15d 22 + 40d 32 )]



RORd ¼exp^b 1 þ 15 ^b 2 þ 40 ^b 3
 35 ^d 11 þ 525 ^d 21 þ 1400 ^d 31
^d 12 þ 15 ^d 22 þ 40 ^d 32

Presentation: VI. The Model and Odds Ratio for Several Exposure Variables 89
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