Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

We assume the sameWjfor each
exposure variable

e.g., AGE and SEX areWs for

Odds ratio for severalEs:

E*¼ E* 1 ;E* 2 ;...;E*q

E**¼ E** 1 ;E** 2 ;...;E**q

General Odds Ratio Formula:


E* 1 E** 1

b 1

þE* 2 E** 2

b 2


þE* 1 E** 1


p 2
j¼ 1

d 1 jWj

þE* 2 E** 2


p 2

j¼ 1

d 2 jWj


þ E*qE**q


p 2
j¼ 1



Note that this model assumes that the same
effect modifying variables are being consid-
ered for each exposure variable in the model,
as illustrated in our preceding example above
with AGE and SEX.

A more general model can be written that allows
for different effect modifiers corresponding
to different exposure variables, but for conve-
nience, we limit our discussion to a model with

To obtain an odds ratio expression for the
above model involving several exposures, con-
founders, and interaction terms, we again
must identify two specifications of the expo-
sure variables to be compared. We have
referred to these specifications generally by
the bold termsE*andE**. GroupE*is speci-
fied by the variable valuesE 1 *,E 2 *, and so on up
toEq*; groupE**is specified by a different col-
lection of valuesE 1 **,E 2 **, and so on up toEq**.

The general odds ratio formula for comparing
two such specifications,E*vs. E**, is given
by the formula ROR equals e to the quantity
(E 1 *E 1 **) timesb 1 plus (E 2 *E 2 **) timesb 2 ,
and so on up to (Eq*Eq**) timesbqplus the
sum of terms of the form (E*E**) times the
sum ofdtimesW, where each of these latter
terms correspond to interactions involving a
different exposure variable.

90 3. Computing the Odds Ratio in Logistic Regression

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