Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Objectives Upon completing this chapter, the learner should be able to:

  1. State or recognize when to use unconditional vs.
    conditional ML methods.

  2. State or recognize what is a likelihood function.

  3. State or recognize that the likelihood functions for
    unconditional vs. conditional ML methods are

  4. State or recognize that unconditional vs. conditional
    ML methods require different computer programs.

  5. State or recognize how an ML procedure works to
    obtain ML estimates of unknown parameters in a
    logistic model.

  6. Given a logistic model, state or describe two alternative
    procedures for testing hypotheses about parameters in
    the model. In particular, describe each procedure in
    terms of the information used (log likelihood statistic
    orZstatistic) and the distribution of the test statistic
    under the null hypothesis (chi square orZ).

  7. State, recognize, or describe three types of information
    required for carrying out statistical inferences
    involving the logistic model: the value of the maximized
    likelihood, the variance–covariance matrix, and a
    listing of the estimated coefficients and their standard

  8. Given a logistic model, state or recognize how interval
    estimates are obtained for parameters of interest; in
    particular, state that interval estimates are large
    sample formulae that make use of variance and
    covariances in the variance–covariance matrix.

  9. Given a printout of ML estimates for a logistic model,
    use the printout information to describe characteristics
    of the fitted model. In particular, given such a printout,
    compute an estimated odds ratio for an exposure–
    disease relationship of interest.

Objectives 105
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