Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1


I. Overview


How ML methods
Two alternative ML
Guidelines for choice
of ML approach
Overview of

II. Background About
Maximum Likelihood

Maximum likelihood (ML)

Least squares (LS) estimation: used
in classical linear regression

 ML¼LS when normality is

ML estimation:

 Computer programs available

 General applicability

 Used for nonlinear models, e.g.,
the logistic model

This presentation gives an overview of maxi-
mum likelihood (ML) methods as used in logis-
tic regression analysis. We focus on how ML
methods work, we distinguish between two
alternative ML approaches, and we give guide-
lines regarding which approach to choose. We
also give a brief overview on making statistical
inferences using ML techniques.

Maximum likelihood (ML)estimation is one
of several alternative approaches that statisti-
cians have developed for estimating the para-
meters in a mathematical model. Another
well-known and popular approach is least
squares (LS) estimation which is described
in most introductory statistics courses as a
method for estimating the parameters in a
classical straight line or multiple linear regres-
sion model. ML estimation and least squares
estimation are different approaches that hap-
pen to give the same results for classical linear
regression analyses when the dependent vari-
able is assumed to be normally distributed.

For many years, ML estimation was not widely
used because no computer software programs
were available to carry out the complex calcu-
lations required. However, ML programs have
been widely available in recent years. More-
over, when compared with least squares, the
ML method can be applied in the estimation
of complex nonlinear as well as linear models.
In particular, because the logistic model is a
nonlinear model, ML estimation is the preferred
estimation method for logistic regression.

106 4. Maximum Likelihood Techniques: An Overview

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