Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

The Choice:

Unconditional – preferred if the
number of parameters issmall
relative to the number of subjects

Conditional – preferred if the
number of parameters islarge
relative to the number of subjects

Small vs. large? debatable

Guidelines provided here

In making the choice betweenunconditional
andconditional ML approaches, the researcher
needs to consider the number of parameters
in the model relative to the total number of
subjects under study. In general,unconditional
ML estimation is preferred if the number of
parameters in the model issmall relative to
the number of subjects. In contrast,conditional
ML estimation is preferred if the number of
parameters in the model is largerelative to
the number of subjects.

Exactly what is small vs. what is large is debat-
able and has not yet nor may ever be precisely
determined by statisticians. Nevertheless, we
can provide some guidelines for choosing the
estimation method.

An example of a situation suitable for an
unconditional ML program is a large cohort
study that does not involve matching, for
instance, a study of 700 subjects who are fol-
lowed for 10 years to determine coronary heart
disease status, denoted here as CHD. Suppose,
for the analysis of data from such a study, a
logistic model is considered involving an expo-
sure variableE, five covariablesC 1 throughC 5
treated as confounders in the model, and five
interaction terms of the formECi, whereCi
is theith covariable.

This model contains a total of 12 parameters,
one for each of the variables plus one for the
intercept term. Because the number of para-
meters here is 12 and the number of subjects
is 700, this is a situation suitable for using
unconditional ML estimation; that is, the num-
ber of parameters issmallrelative to the num-
ber of subjects.

EXAMPLE: Unconditional Preferred
Cohort study: 10 year follow-up
n¼ 700
D¼CHD outcome
E¼exposure variable

C 1 ,C 2 ,C 3 ,C 4 ,C 5 ¼covariables

EC 1 ,EC 2 ,EC 3 ,EC 4 ,EC 5
¼interaction terms

Number of parameters¼ 12
(including intercept)

small relative ton¼ 700

108 4. Maximum Likelihood Techniques: An Overview

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