Importance ofV^ð^uÞ:
inferences require accounting
for variability and covariability
(3) Variable listing
Variable ML Coefficient S. E.
Intercept ^a s^a
X 1 ^b 1 s^b 1
Xk ^bk s^bk
The variance–covariance matrix is important
because the information contained in it is
used in the computations required for hypoth-
esis testing and confidence interval estimation.
In addition to the maximized likelihood value
and the variance–covariance matrix, other
information is also provided as part of the out-
put. This information typically includes, as
shown here,a listing of each variable followed
by its ML estimate and standard error. This
information provides another way to carry
out hypothesis testing and interval estimation.
Moreover, this listing gives the primary infor-
mation used for calculating odds ratio esti-
mates and predicted risks. The latter can only
be done, however, if the study has a follow-up
An example of ML computer output giving the
above information is provided here. This out-
put considers study data on a cohort of 609
white males in Evans County, Georgia, who
were followed for 9 years to determine coro-
nary heart disease (CHD) status. The output
considers a logistic model involving eight vari-
ables, which are denoted as CAT (catechol-
amine level), AGE, CHL (cholesterol level),
ECG (electrocardiogram abnormality status),
SMK (smoking status), HPT (hypertension sta-
tus), CC, and CH. The latter two variables are
product terms of the form CC¼CATCHL
The exposure variable of interest here is the
variable CAT, and the five covariables of inter-
est, that is, theCs are AGE, CHL, ECG, SMK,
and HPT. Using ourE, V, Wmodel framework
introduced in Chapter 2, we haveEequals CAT,
the five covariables equal to theVs, and twoW
variables, namely, CHL and HPT.
The output information includes2 times the
natural log of the maximized likelihood value,
which is 347.23, and a listing of each variable
followed by its ML estimate and standard
error. We will show the variance–covariance
matrix shortly.
Cohort study – Evans Country, GA
n¼609 white males
9-year follow-up
D¼CHD status
Coefficient S. E.
Intercept 4.0497 1.2550
CAT 12.6894 3.1047
AGE 0.0350 0.0161
CHL 0.0055 0.0042
Vs ECG 0.3671 0.3278
SMK 0.7732 0.3273
HPT 1.0466 0.3316
CC 0.0692 0.3316
CH 2.3318 0.7427
CC = CAT × CHL and CH = CAT × HPT
118 4. Maximum Likelihood Techniques: An Overview